Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wordless Wednesday : my dear Pouffiey!!




new madness…every time when I’m sick with human, spending my time, playing with Pou just kicked my depression away…far far away~~

people might change…and might be hard to understand..but Pou…is much much much easier to handle…and much much easier to understand…


such a beautiful date, isn’t it??


ohh…I bought this little table just now…actually, I’ve been wanting to buy this for myself… it is…welcome to my life!!


till then…

dear time..please flies faster…I really really want to be home…somehow I feel suffocated as if I’m barely able to…   :'((

5 hot people like this:

Daeng on duty said... [Reply]

Salam, kalau nak cuci-cuci mata jemputla jenguk-jenguk blog saya ada long sleeve maxidress & jubah cotton denim yang stylish leh pakai g pejabat, kuliah, atau jalan2 saje.


Tq ye:)

Yanty Lee said... [Reply]

Belikan sayu...hukhuk...

kindergartenlibrary said... [Reply]

wah !!!!
oh no !!! nk gak2 ... :D

Fifieyqa said... [Reply]

@Yan Ty
beli ape??meja tu ke??hahaha

Fifieyqa said... [Reply]

@Nelly Strange
nak ape nelly??Pou ke??heheh..downlod main2 dgn dia..hehehe